Hi there, I thought I'd post up some proper work this week, so here is a recent commission for The Tate Britain and 'The Great British Art Debate' . This is a four year national programme to stimulate conversation about British Art by asking five questions. There is more about that here http://greatbritishartdebate.tate.org.uk/. This comic piece above was a response to those questions through the eyes of British painter John Martin and acted out by Chip and Bean, it will appear in a fanzine that will be handed out at the Tate Britain.
I've been having fun doing the weekly quick silly drawings, has anyone got any requests for subject matters? If so let me know..
I've been making good progress with the graphic novel, I'm on page 70, I thought I'd get to page 90 and then show it to my publisher, see what he thinks. He was wanting to see a chunk of it. We'll see what happens.
Also a friend of mine illustrator Sandra Howgate has started up a new job with lovely drawings, take a look here http://sandrahowgate.blogspot.com/
I've been marvelling at this content of this website http://www.urbansketchers.com/