
New Graphic Novel in Progress

I'm working on a new book, I've started again from scratch recently so am only on page 34 but it's getting there.  


  1. wowza!!! so cool you have a blog now, just found out from my twitter.
    happy new year to you Simone. can't wait to follow the development of your beautiful work here. will link to your blog on my next post :)

  2. Thanks Thereza, happy new year to you too dear and belated happy birthday! I felt inspired to get a blog, Tom must have twitted it because I haven't mentioned it to anyone else. Your website is too lovely - keep up the great work.

  3. Yay! Gary Northfield just told me about your blog, so exciting! He almost told me, and then suddenly got really secretive about it so he could post it first on Twitter, ha ha.
    Hope all's well with you, it's been ages! xx

  4. Now Gary and I are arguing over who's more your friend, this is getting so silly! XD

  5. Hello Sarah! I love you both!! How is it going in your new stu studio? xxx

  6. Hi Simone, I read your graphic novel 'Fluffy' at my local library in Melbourne, and freaking loved it!
    looking forward to seeing your next work. :)
