

So, I've been a bit quiet on the blog for a few months, the reason being is that I've had my head down making a graphic novel and it's been a total emotional roller coaster this one. Bar a few bits of design I've actually finished it, phew and hurrah! The project started way back in 2007 when I had a moment with God in Leicester Square, I silently cried out to him and heard him respond, rather unconventionally, through the lyrics of an INXS song. I was inspired to seek an adventure with Him and in that moment I also imagined in my hands the finished book. I was truly excited about the possibilities and challenges of drawing my relationship with God. It's been a bit of a journey as they say and my confidence has wavered greatly whilst doing this project - I've started over from scratch a couple of times. With great thanks to the friends around me and also some amazingly kind people who offered support and mentoring, the job is done. Hopefully you'll enjoy the book and find it funny too. The release date isn't til Autumn 2012! Gdoing! I will let you know more about it nearer the publishing date. Until then I'll post more regularly on here.

Thank you!


  1. it sounds brilliant - can't wait to see it!

  2. Cheers Si! I hope that all's well with you :-)

  3. well done - if it's as good as Sausage & Carrots then it will be a very good book. x

  4. Welcome back! We have missed you. Autumn 2012 seems awfully far away- how about a little preview? Or... advance copies? :)

  5. Thanks Jim! Thanks Lily, that's nice and I'm sorry! It is a bit in the future, I forgot that the publishers have a long lead time - I will talk about it a bit more nearer the time. In the meantime I'll be on here and the plan is to do a show too. There's no business like show business...
